Remnants of Communism left their mark in red calendar days. March 8 - so-called "Women's Day" - is one of them. Let us consider what is the history of this "holiday".
In the origins of "Women's Day" there is "march of empty pots" in New York in 1857, where woman textile workers demanded equality of women, higher wages, better working conditions and reduction of working hours. There is also a version that this day also held a prostitutes demonstration who at that time often staged marches in defense of their rights.
n the early twentieth century in the United States in the last weeks of February there have been strikes of women, headed by the Socialist Party of America, demanding the introduction of voting rights and the abolition of sexual discrimination.
Influenced by American protesters' actions, and replying the offer of German socialist Clara Zetkin, the participants of the International Conference of Socialist Women decided to celebrate International Women's Day as a day of solidarity of women in the struggle for political, economic and social rights each year in March.
In 1977, by the initiative of the government of the USSR, March 8 was International Day for the status of the UN resolution. The full name of the holiday was quite in the style of communist ideology: International Day for the rights of the female proletariat.
Europe and the United States do not celebrate 8 March, remembering its communist origin and they prefer Mother's Day. At the beginning of the XXI century March 8th is a public holiday in several former Soviet and socialist countries: Azerbaijan, Angola, Belarus, Burkina Faso, Vietnam, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Cambodia, Kyrgyzstan, the People's Republic, Republic of Congo, Macedonia, Moldova, Mongolia, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Russia, Uganda and Ukraine. Some Ukrainian cities, including Kolomyja in Ivano-Frankivsk region, decided to cancel Soviet holidays, including the International Women's Day, arguing that this festival as a Fatherland Defender's Day and Victory Day is not conducive to spiritual enrichment of Ukrainians.
For the Bolsheviks March 8 was celebrated to force. The women were driven to the meeting, all wearing red handkerchief, they were given lectures on how a woman must behave in the home, in the family, in bed, were awarded diplomas. This way of "celebration" was not applied for women, then Khrushchev ordered to make March 8 an off day. So this way the Bolsheviks managed to get to celebrate "Women's Day", or rather, just booze - it's off day anyways.
Modern nationalist organization also urge Ukrainians to refuse from celebrating holidays, imposed us by Communists, including March 8. Our women deserve attention all year, and eight in a calendar in March is not a necessary occasion.
The choice is yours!
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