Journal “University Education” - increase your educational development!

University development continues, the theory and practice bring in new issues of university development, their role and place in society, economy and business are reviewed and specified.

Journal “University Education” is being published by the Institute of Higher Education of Kyiv National Economic University named after Vadym Hetman.

Journal “University education” publishes articles of domestic and foreign experts that research modern issues and trends in the sphere of higher education.

Publications included in the rubric “Trends in Higher Education”, address the key trends in the global, European and national higher education, including: increased competition in the education market, deepening international cooperation and diversification of funding mechanisms for higher education.

Rubric “University science” is about one of the most pressing topics not only for higher education, but society in general. The economic development of any country depends on the capacity to generate knowledge and develop innovative products and technologies that are based on the latest scientific advances. It is the leading universities of the world that have always been and remain the centres of generation and dissemination of new scientific knowledge. The main criterion for evaluation of intellectual capacity and social acceptance of modern universities, as is argued in the materials of this rubric, is a scientific and educational school.

The rubric “Strategic development of universities” continues the discussion around the issues of development, introduction and implementation of new approaches into the management of modern university and educational process. In particular, it presents the results of research on the role of global competencies, content, models and methods of activation of classroom work in the world class research universities.

Current issues of creating and managing intellectual products of the university are covered under the rubric “Intellectual Property Management”, together with an assessment of the legal protection capabilities of fundamental scientific and applied university research results within the current legislation in the field of intellectual property.

Rubric “Educational Technology” introduces the modern effective methods of teaching students in world class higher education institutions.

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